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Logic Pro X For Dummies, 2nd Edition PDF - Mediatorrentz.Logic Pro X For Dummies by Graham English - Ebook | Scribd 



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  Logic Pro X For Dummies. Author: Graham English. Publish On: This book provides the know-how for navigating the interface, tweaking the settings, picking the sounds, and all the other tech tasks that get in the way of capturing the perfect take. Author: Graham English. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: Dec 10,  · before purchasing a MacBook, i knew all i was going to use it for was a portable DAW for Logic Pro x, i was largly debting between the pro and the air, after 1 week i am glad to report that the macbook air i purchased is fully capable of running Logic Pro x, with many tracks, and the battery life is great. logic is like the lungs ofmy studio, allowing everything to breath no matter where i am. [PDF] Download Logic For Dummies Free Unquote Books. Written by a Logic Pro X trainer who’s used the software to further his own music career, Logic Pro X For Dummies cuts back on the time needed to learn the software and allows for more time making amazing recordings. • Record live sound sources or built-in virtual instruments • Arrange your …, 9/19/В В· Logic Pro.  

Logic pro x for dummies pdf free download.Logic Pro X For Dummies, 2nd Edition PDF


When inspiration fades, so does motivation, unless you have a strategy for getting to the finish line. Set time limits. Give yourself the shortest time frame for completing a task. Parkinson's law states that work expands to fill the time available to complete it.

Set aside 10 hours to complete a job, and it will take 10 hours. Set aside 30 minutes, and the job will take 30 minutes. For larger projects, put a deadline on the calendar and stick to it.

This suggestion might sound rigid, but the only thing you have to lose is your uncompleted projects. Make projects attainable. Dream big but be realistic. You might want to write a chart-buster, but begin by writing a simple song with a clear structure.

Then you can build upon your new skills and improve with each project. Break the project down. Typically, an album is made up of many songs, each song is made up of many instruments recorded on separate tracks, and each track is made up of many takes that are edited and turned into a final take.

Keep it simple. The fewer parts you commit to your project, the easier it will be to complete. Lots of great songs have only four instruments, including the lead vocal. You can do a lot just with the Logic Pro software. You can play the software instruments with your computer keyboard by using musical typing described in Chapter 7. You can import media from a variety of sources, such as iTunes or iMovie as detailed in Chapter 8.

You can use headphones or your computer speakers to listen to your project. Your computer probably has a built-in mic, but you might also want to capture audio from a variety of sources such as a keyboard, guitar, and microphone. You may want to be able to record more than one instrument at a time.

Audio interfaces allow you to get professional sounding audio into your Logic Pro project. You can get inexpensive, good quality input devices through major retailers such as Amazon and the Apple store, or you can search eBay and Craigslist for used options.

USB and Thunderbolt connectivity are standard on the latest Apple computers. Firewire might be another option, depending on the capabilities and age of your computer. Speakers: In the pro audio community, your speakers are known as monitors. In a pinch, your computer speakers will do just fine.

For a more accurate picture of your audio, listen to your project on a set of monitors that produces the entire frequency range.

Headphones: When you record vocals or instruments using microphones, you need a quiet environment. Also, live instruments can be loud, and a pair of headphones allows the performer to hear all the tracks well while recording. Headphones are also useful during mixing when you need to hear the details of your audio.

Best of all, the app is free! It connects to Logic Pro through your Wi-Fi network. Have an instrument that you want to record, but it's sitting 20 feet away from the computer? I cover Logic Remote in Chapter Purchase and install it an installation wizard will guide you — but be patient while downloading because the program size is about MB. You need a minimum of 6GB of disk space, plus 63GB if you want to add optional content available through a free in-app download.

Click the Continue button to download and install the content. Pay attention to Time Machine backups. Turn off Time Machine temporarily if you encounter any issues. Shut down other apps if you run out of power or if Logic Pro gets glitchy. When I arrange or edit my projects, I often leave other apps open.

You should enable them so that you can follow along with the examples in this book. If you plan on recording audio, you'll need a way to get audio into Logic Pro. Your Mac probably has a built-in line in or microphone. These may work in a pinch, but professional-quality recordings need professional hardware. Most professional hardware is compatible with Logic Pro X, so you should have a simple plug-and-play experience.

Select the Devices tab, as shown in Figure , and use the Output Device and Input Device drop-down menus to choose your audio hardware. This key command will display the Preferences in most applications on your Mac. Check the literature; Logic Pro will probably be mentioned. Playing software instruments with a MIDI keyboard controller is usually a plug-and-play experience without any need for customization. You can create music with a computer and the Logic Pro software alone.

However, if your goals are more ambitious and you want to get good sounds into and out of Logic Pro, consider your hardware and the acoustics of your listening environment.

With a Mac computer and Logic Pro X, your baseline for quality and fun is already high. Spend your money wisely and spend your time creating, not buying. The setups in this section can be built inexpensively. In a recording setup, such as the one shown in Figure , you need to get audio from instruments or microphones into Logic Pro.

Your audio interface is the intermediary between your computer and the peripherals. An audio interface is still needed to transmit audio in and out of your system. In this case, you need an audio interface to get audio from Logic Pro and into a pair of monitors, as shown in Figure You may, however, use a controller to mimic a mixing console with faders, knobs, buttons, and other useful features that control Logic Pro remotely. I love to travel, and I never go anywhere without a laptop and an instrument.

I travel with guitars, drum machines, small keyboards, and sometimes more than one of each. I like to keep the setup as simple as possible while affording me the flexibility that I love. In a mobile rig, such as the one shown in Figure , headphones will replace speakers, and portable interfaces and microphones will be used to get audio in and out of Logic Pro.

MainStage shares all the instruments and presets with Logic Pro but is designed for live performance. You get an amazing studio at an amazing price and you can do amazing things with it.

You might be shocked. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Explore Ebooks. Bestsellers Editors' Picks All Ebooks. Explore Audiobooks. Bestsellers Editors' Picks All audiobooks. Explore Magazines. Editors' Picks All magazines.

Explore Podcasts All podcasts. Difficulty Beginner Intermediate Advanced. Explore Documents. Enjoy millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more, with a free trial. Ebook pages 5 hours. Start your free days. Read preview. About this ebook Spend less time learning and more time recording Logic Pro X offers Mac users the tools and power they need to create recordings ready to share with the world.

Language English. Publisher Wiley. Release date Aug 2, ISBN Songwriting For Dummies. Save Songwriting For Dummies for later. Home Recording For Dummies. Save Home Recording For Dummies for later. Composing Digital Music For Dummies. The Mixing Engineer's Handbook 5th Edition. GarageBand For Dummies. Save GarageBand For Dummies for later. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Verified Purchase. First, let me say this book is not aligned with the "For Dummies" category - it is a reference book for Logic Pro X.

Many critical reviews complain there is no "easy start example", and that is true which could easily be remedied in a 3rd edition. However, as an "intermediate" amateur this book is excellent as a reference tool for a very capable and complex software package.

You can watch hours and hours of online videos, but having this on the desk is a no-brainer IMHO. Anyone research what Pro Tools costs all in to become proficient? One person found this helpful. If you are new to Logic Pro, this is the right book.

I am still working my way through the book; it has been very useful. Logic Pro X has many features; therefore, any useful instruction book must introduce a new user to Logic in bits and pieces, which can be frustrating if someone wants to get the info quickly.

I had to slow down my expectation about learning Logic Pro X quickly, not because the Dummies book is flawed, but Logic Pro X has so many features. The only problem that I have had with the Dummies book is many of the images of various screen shots are difficult to read, party due to the small size of the images, and party due to the lack of contrast in the images.

Words in the images are difficult to read. This book is easy to read and follow. I haven't read the entire book from cover to cover only because I've been using Logic Pro X for a long time and I'll probably be using it as a reference.

This is a good book for beginners and people who have been using Logic Pro X already. The print is also in black and white and the images of Logic snapshots are hard to read for how grey they are.

Pages are also bible paper thin. I know logic very well and still picked up some good things. See all reviews. Top reviews from other countries. Preferring an hands on approach I ordered this Dummies guide version. It makes good reading with good cross referencing and I ordered this updated version thinking that the quality would be better. I was very disappointed because the illustrative example pages are of very poor quality being only black and white.

I'm sure other people will agree so this Dummies guide is only for reading purposes, while I try follow example from trusted Youtube training videos. The publishers from the Dummies series really need to update their quality of pictures, or they will lose customers who browse in bookstores. I can only give the Kindle edition 2 stars because the screenshots are blurred and sometimes impossible to read.

This is a shame, because otherwise this is a good book. The author writes with authority and clarity. Did nobody proof this before it was published on Kindle? Logic Pro X for Dummies is absolutely first class. Well printed, with more than adequate monochrome screen grab illustrations, there appears to be absolutely everything here to fully exploit the software's capability.

Reading Parts 1 and 2 to get things up and running is fairly mandatory. Thereafter, as with all such books, using it as a comprehensive reference manual should be your strategy. There are other similar books for Logic Pro X, but, as far as I can tell, none at this price point.

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    And because you don't have hands, you can automate parameter prf on all those tracks. Lots of digital audio workstations DAWs are out there, so why would you want to settle down with Logic Pro?


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